Monday, July 20, 2015

3. 2015 aint done yet

2015 has so many promising video games coming out, it's like the heaven for people like me
who's sole hobby is to just play with his controllers and stuff until he's satisfied and play
another video game from another platform, yeah sad lol. we're at the middle of the year and going
to the second half and all the upcoming games just look damn promising! it makes the previous
years look like a bit underwhelming when it comes to video game releases. I really hate myself for
thinking of buying the releases this year ugh. let's get to the releases:

Fallout 4. My first blog entry! it's so exciting I just can't stop talking about the damn thing.
Whenever youtube releases a trailer or someone talk about the game, it makes me giddy to I just
want to jump on my bed from excitement. Oh man it's going to be so good but I know and others who
are just as excited know that this game will be so buggy on release day. it's going to be so good
though, no one has shrugged off a game from those guys. can not wait!

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. Imagine MGS: Peace Walker; MAKE IT BIGGER AND LOOK BETTER. What
is an alreadt perfect game for me just became better oh man this game comes out before the release of
Fallout 4, I have to finish this game before october and since this is an MGS game and plays like Peace
Walker and it has MGO again, I'm going to have to play this together with Fallout 4. No more Social Life.

Persona 5: I'm not sure if everyone is familiar with the series but I've played p3 to p4 and I love them.
3rd one was kind of dark but not edgy to throw me off but I think it's best so far. p4 had also a dark theme
to it but it was more lively and I loved the characters. p5 will be all about thieves, which is weird since
Persona have beel always about highschool kids and shenanigans. p5 have the characters still at highschool but
damn they're also thieves which I am intrigued and the art style, the look, the graphics oh man it looks so good
it's so damn dynamic, the menus oh man. comes out at december.

well these are the games that I'm excited for the months to come and let me tell you reader that if you've stumbled
upon this blog, you will be excited too because I told you so and if you're not then let me know down on the
comments section, discuss what games you are excited for.

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