Monday, July 20, 2015

2. Boycott failed

There are so many games I don't ever plan on buying just because it is going to be published by certain companies I hate and once you have implanted that in your mind, you know, just straight up hate on the thing and ignore everything they release. It becomes really easy like REALLY easy. one of these companies I hate buying from is EA. I did not buy the mass effect or any in the series same goes with dragon age, it's their biggest franchises that just got over my radar because it's from EA.
But EA cooked up something this E3, they really really made it difficult to make me keep this boycott because it's a game I wanted but I never wanted EA to make but alas, supporting it will keep the franchise alive and so the game that I am talking about is: Star Wars Battlefront.

When this was announced I was so happy and sad that this will be released I'm sad because when they told everyone that this game will be developed by dice, I thought to myself "oh it's going to be battlefield re-skinned with star wars" which it actually is! and that sucks

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