Monday, July 20, 2015

4. witcher 3 so damn good

Witcher 3 one of the most anticipated video game of 2015 has just blown me away.
This game has so many things! and it's detailed too from the look of the characters
to the game world. it's really good knowing that the developers took this much effort
to get into the game world. from the monsters, NPCs, cities that you can travel in
the environment all feels alive. This game has the makings of GOTY( Game of the Year).

first the combat. The controls feels nice, it even feels nicer than the predecessor
because the dodging mechanic really works well and it's fluid. though it can get really
weird on the keyboard but if you get used to it, the thing plays like a dream. attacking
is fluid too, changing the direction where Geralt attacks feels good and the animation
that follows that up makes it seemless ,which when looking at; also feels detailed.

second the graphics! it looks so good! I dunno what to say about it other than it being
so damn detailed and such! what a game.

overall the game is so damn good i'm so excited for future promised DLCs for this game

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