Sunday, August 23, 2015

15. General Luna

An interesting seminar was held in school, the seminar is about heroism, it was such an interesting topic. We've learned from the speakers so much, there's the history of people, particularly the heroes and the concept of heroism. The insight from the speakers has inspired me to think about it too and I applaud them for it. I hope more speakers would talk about the idea of heroism too as I know it also inspired a lot of students that attended the seminar.

I want to say that the seminar's really good. Not only was the seminar engaging it's also fun, it's because of the speaker's humor, it practically relates to our generation. I find using humor as ice breakers for a seminar is really good, it breaks the tensions that come with going to a seminar as a listener and a speaker going to a seminar. You feel like you already connect with the speaker when they break the ice with humor, it feels homely so you don't feel embarrassed agreeing to what the speaker will say. It's nice the hired Xiao Chua to speak though I find it weird that a Chinese man talking about heroism especially since there's an altercation between Philippines and China.

The seminar wasn't just a seminar it's also a promotion for the upcoming move "General Luna." General Luna is about the story of Antonio Luna. Antonio Luna is a person that  makes decision and commands them firmly. General Luna's struggle is not the Americans he's fighting against, it's the fellow Filipinos he is fighting with. I love how the movie will shed light on the fact that there are infightings going on in our history, it tells a tragic story on why the Philippine revolution failed, it makes sense why. The audience was introduced to a 12 minute early look of General Luna, it was enough to excite me and my friends, in actuality, one of my friends called SM to ask for a discount  for herself and fellow students, it's these actions why I think the hype for  General Luna REAL.

The movie will be released at September 9 and everyone who went there will watch that as they were posting things related to the seminar and the General Luna on facebook, it was fun to see those. I myself am going to watch it, I just hope it doesn't affect how I fair in the Finals week. *shudders

14. APC's anti smoking campaign

An environment that doesn't have the filth of smog is a good environment, sadly I can't think of any place that has no smog on here. non-smoking environments is obviously good for everyone, and obviously good for people who smoke and in my opinion it should be prohibited within ever establishment. APC is holding an anti-smoking campaign andI'm going to be honest here now, I have no idea, even just a tinsy bit of idea that our school was holding an anti-smoking campaign. APC's campaign isn't effective because students refuse to be aware of it.

Students need an outlet. Students are usually stressed out, well most of them. They are stressed with everything in their lives, their friendships, grades, love life and the entire experience of being a student and that is usually the reason why people need an outlet. There are many ways people can deal with their stress, they can play video games, they can watch something from their phones or laptops, they can hang out with their buddies or just blow smoke off of cigarettes, everything on here is effective and smoking is one of those effective things that doesn't need to interact with people and just stay still, it's also really quick. Speaking of interaction with people.....

Smoking is also a "cool" thing. "No man's an island" whoever quoted that phrase said so it means people who smoke also can reach out to other people who smoke right? yes it's true, people who smoke can relate to other people who smoke, it's kind of like how nerds go to their coventions and meet other nerds to geek out, it's the same but a bit more timid and more "cool", well it sounds like I'm mocking them well not really, I'm mocking at the people who think it is so they smoking themselves and regretting it the moment they try it. ugh I have a weird  humor.

so yeah smoking won't be removed even if there are signs around the place that says "smoking is bad" or "smoking kills" it doesn't matter. Smoking helps people deal with stuff and I can see that, while not entirely effective it's still helps. I'm not saying people should approve of the idea of smoking, it is still bad and should be avoided it's just people need to understand why others smoke. 

13. Sleep problems

I'm having sleep problems recently and no it's not the lack of sleep but it's the over sleep. It is usual that the person sleeps 5 hours everyday; that's enough for everyone to feel fresh. The freshness people feel is what makes them capable enough to do everything on a daily basis but not my case. I have so much sleep and I still don't feel energized enough for the day. I don't know how to fix this, maybe go to a doctor to have this checked but I don't have the time.

I tend to sleep early but I wake up at 5:00 am, it sounds just about right for an everyday person since I sleep at 9:00-10:00, these should have energized me to do more activities and feel good about doing them but no. It's sad because most of my classmates sleep at 2:00 and they can wake up at 6:00 feeling freshed, I don't know how people can do that but I guess bodies are different and mine is just really weak when it comes to lack of sleep.

It doesn't look like it at most times but I do try to sneak in some sleep during class. When the professor is distracted and will probably take 10 minutes to tend to something I immediately cross my arms on my armchair to rest my head on it. I also try to take a nap during breaks, sometimes after eating I go to sleep immediately, I know I shouldn't do that but my body says I have to.

It's not like I'm sleep deprived or anything it's just my body needs to adjust to the current situation and it feels like this everytime at class. Good thing I can find interest in most of my  professor's teachings because I have to, I need to look for it or I'd cut class to sleep.

Oh well I hope whoever's reading this can understand that people who sleep more than they do also have problems, I'm actually happy for those people because when sem break comes or a day where they don't have class, they can appreciate sleep but I can't and it's going to be a problem for me in the future.

12. Being a weaboo is hard

What is a weaboo? A weaboo is in another word a Japanesophile, someone who likes Japanese stuff, from their laguage, to their pop culture and even ideals. There is a difference though  weaboos are actually much more severe than a Japanesophile in a way that they try to treat everything in their lives as part of anime, yeah they're more like an "Otaku" but much worse. Weaboo's tend to claim the characters they like as their "Husbando" or "Waifu" at a moment's notice, Weaboos are also athiest and believe that Japan is the best country. You can see why Japanesophiles are tolerable now. Now that I've identified what a weaboo is, I can now admit that I, myself am a weaboo.

Craving and wanting everything that japanese people have been my problem, it makes everything difficult for a person like me because I can't deal with such disappointment that I'm not getting the same things Japanese people have. They have the games that I want, they have the toys that I want they have everything that I want. I know it's sounds childish to want things but I can't stop myself, I guess I need more self control if I want to get over this.

If you show your weabooness you are easily shunned by most communities. I find it hard to hide the fact that I'm a weaboo, that's difficult because when people find out what you are they will automatically hate you. people around say "follow your hearts" or "love what you love" but in the end it's not real, it's misleading, liking something and loving something is still restricted, there is no freedom of choice, you're either a normal person who likes stuff or be an outcast weaboo that no one will love.

Maybe I should just face the reality that weaboos will never respected, their interests just doesn't match what people like, it's really sad, I hope someday that the love and appreciation from a normal person can be felt by me and fellow weaboos out there. So here's to me and all the weaboos! cheers!

11. Tales from the Borderlands is really good

I actually haven't played the game myself but from what I've been seeing from let's players I can safely say that it's really  good. Tales from the borderlands is a game based on the events after borderlands 2. We  control the characters named Rhys who works at Hyperion (it's one of the games evil corporations that the players from borderlands 2 constantly run against) and a con artist named fiona. Rhys got screwed over by fiona but they became buddies because of Rhys' boss trying to kill them and the vault (hidden treasure but is protected by powerful aliens). Fiona and Rhys are also accompanied by their respective best friends, Rhys' bestfriend is Vaugn and Fiona's somewhat sister is Sasha.

First off I really like the chemistry of Fiona and Rhys. Their chemistry isn't the relationshop, romance, lovey-dovey kind of chemistry it's just that it will seem like at the end of this, they also will become best buddies. Rhys' neurotic, corny but somewhat witty personality contrasts to Fiona's calm and collected nature, it's a nice combination but not just in their personality or how they were written. The gameplay of Fiona and Rhys are so different; Rhys uses his bionic eye to tell info about highlighted objects while Fiona's gameplay has you looking for money. This is still a telltale game though so it's not saying much but at least there's the feel of difference and it makes sense to their character.

second the lore, I know that not a lot of people care about borderlands' lore but I love how it's rich enough to be able to stretch it to have a game that's a different genre. I like how they showed that there are still remnants of your enemies back in borderlands 1 and how they connect to characters in borderlands pre-sequel. There's also lots of nods to the game's enemies like the rakkhive and additional creatures as well such as the jellyfishthings that the players encounter at episode 4.

I'm really excited to see how the last episode in this game and while I haven't played it, I will get this on steam once the last episode comes. 

10. Terrible weather

Oh man we are living in the extremes! it's either wet or it's dry, I can't get what this weather wants to do! Is the weather messing with us? does it want us to keep enclosed to feel a sense of security when in reality the strong winds and rain can just come crashing down our houses to kill us in many ways? That may be too unlikely, or is it?

This weather is so difficult to deal with, it keeps everything wet and not only that it also keeps everything susceptible to electrical shock! I've seen so much cut electric wires this week and it's making me worry every time I have to walk out of my home! It is scary indeed but I do believe that I have to keep trucking on or else, nothing happens.

I think the weather is telling is something, well more like mother nature is telling us something. Weather patterns are so weird, it's two typhoons trying to steal eachother's winds! not only that the typhoon that's above us doesn't want to leave it's so scary! I always imagined this to be like that scene from independence that has will smith star in it, that scene where the aliens come down to our planet and kill the living hell out of the white house, I felt the need to shrug after typing that, it's so scary.

but as human beings, I don't think we need to be afraid, I'm sure ondoy is worst. I've actually haven't experienced ondoy, I was one of those lucky people who moved up to Bagiuo and immediately went down when ondoy went up to Bagiuo, now that's what we call a clutch. I'm experiencing something like this in a city that has never experienced something like this before and that thought scares me. I shouldn't be scared because it's not as terrible as ondoy and if it's as terrible as ondoy, we'd still be fine. My place is pretty high and isn't susceptible to floods, well not yet. I hope everyone reading this is okay because I'm seriously worried about the places that get flood easily.

9. So much conventions to go to so little money.

2015 and 2016 will be the years where they will suck money out of my guts because of the amount of video games and media that companies keep making. I will not be able to earn money for the other things that I love because I prioritize video games in my life, it's so hard to keep up! MGSV is on the horizon, fallout 4 will follow suit after that persona 5! holy moly! it just keeps stacking and stacking! I hope my money keeps stacking too but it won't! while that's a different problem, I'm facing a another problem! CONVENTIONS! conventions are everywhere and I want to go to them!

as of today, the Rampage league of legends convention opens it's arms to the people of the Philippines. It's an event where people gather to learn things about the game league of legends, the game that people love! It's a fun game with fun lore, it's that reason why I keep playing it but yeah. Learning from the promotions is that you can get free champions and skins from the event it's going to make me cry! I want skins too! I want to learn more stuff about league! I want to socialize with fellow league players! I have to go here!

there's another convention for next month, it's called The Best of Anime (BOA). This one is the biggest anime appreciation convention in this country and I can't miss it! Imagine the people you meet and get to talk about the anime that you love, it's these conventions that make you learn how to communicate with people and it's easier because you're in an environment that encourages that. I do hope they have events that teams random people up to win something at a booth. People are still too shy  I guess.

Cosplaymania is also another big convention that will happen on October. This event is the biggest cosplay event in the philippines, why do I have to miss this? I can't! I have fun taking pics with cosplayers, I make a fool out of myself but that's okay! that's the point of these conventions!

so yeah that's my problem, these 3 events that I want to go to and sad thing is that these events are events that I promised my friends that I should go to, it's sad but it's okay as well, as long as I get to one of these, I think I settle with that.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

8. Konami messes up

When people think of Konami they thing of glory. The glory days of video games, the golden ages. Games that konami held on were very known, these games are: Bomberman, metal gear, contra and many more. The games that Konami made gave us a lot of happy times in our childhood, we'd go to the arcade and play them there or have our famicom to play with. These games are fun and that is what Konami tried to accomplish years after. Nowadays, it's safe to say that Konami, the company that brought us the amazing games hates us!

Konami's recent controversy shed light on how they actually operate as a business establishment. Reading articles about it made me feel disgusted on how Konami treats their workers. They basically treat the news ones like used towel. When a worker request for equipment, they get it, eventually. The request s that the workers use is automated so it get's qeue'd and it usually takes a month and as development of video games go, you will have to give progress at the end of the month. it's a system that doesn't work and it takes advantage of it's workers. Seriously? you want your workers to work but your company doesn't want to give them the tools? are you messing with us Konami? you're full of it!

Another thing that Konami did is that they removed their employee's names on a box art of a video game. I can understand that the company that owns it can do whatever they wish but to blatantly try to remove the existence of the people who worked on the game? that's something else. Do note that Konami's former employee, Kojima, has worked on tons of games for Konami and has sold a lot of money from their games, that should hae made konami honor Kojima right? no they did not honor kojima, in fact they spit on his name and his team in the latest MGS game. It's so sad.

Oh man Konami,  I don't know how they're rise from this one but it looks like they're holed up deep in a pile of  crap. I do hope they get back to their feet someday, they hold two very important IPs that people have been wanting to play on.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

7. ugh people hate on tinder

Tinder is a cellphone app that people use to find potential mates that logged into it. The amount of guys and girls you can find here is astonishing, everyone just wants to find love. Various people have logged into the online dating app, it makes this app one of the most used app ever since instagram. Tinder however is not something to use as a means for finding the right person, most of the time the people who get in there are shallow and just base their potential mates from their looks. People shouldn't mind what others think though, if Tinder for others is how to go, people should just respect that.

I think a reason for this is that people who hate on the users of Tinder tend to not take the app seriously. The app will most likely contain high amounts of people who lie about their biography, their achievements, accomplishments and even wealth. The lies doesn't need to filter out because it's in the people's discretion if they want to "hook up" with the liar or not. People who don't use the app probably hates that, they may have trust issues so I can understand them if this was the case.

There's a thing where people try to find a person they "click" with a real environment, it's called speed dating. The speed dating events are usually held in a large area where people can freely move around, though there are restrictions. The restrictions back then depends on the organizer of the whole the speed dating event; it's usually 5 minutes per person before they can rotate to another. I find this not that different from Tinder actually because I can still lie at it but there's the presence of pressure since I am in the event physically and somehow needs to be mentally ready. I'm sure people have been hating that too, trust issues are really serious.

What's the point of this blog? well I just want to tell the people who hate on this app Tinder to stop hating it. I understand that everyone who hate Tinder has trust issues and that will be difficult to remove from their noggins but cmon you can't just tell people to stop using the app. I myself don't like the app since it's a waste of time and not into dating at all but I make sure to not sound condescending because people need to understand that the people who use Tinder want to use this. So please don't go out of your way to stop them just because you have a belief that prevents you from using the app yourself, it's a waste of time.

Monday, August 10, 2015

6. Finals week will be sucky ugh

Have you ever felt like you need to take a dump but couldn't? in a situation where you couldn't poop it makes the whole thing dire, you have an aching stomach, butt clenched to prevent pooping in your pants and you sweat heavily. Being in that predicament makes it somewhat satisfying when you've already let your poop out in the toiler. It's a good feeling to poop early. That my friends is what you call finals week.

Finals week is around the corner, only three weeks left. This makes students uneasy, especiallly for someone like me who's currently taking up thesis or DGMED as what the school calls it. I actually have done very little and haven't even have it checked so this makes everything extremely dire for me. There are also students who just didn't bother and I feel sad for them, I hope they can take this next term so they'd be done with it and move on to their MAPROD.

My problem is that I couldn't have it checked because I just don't want to. I don't want the entire thing to feel half-baked so what I do is try to make it as perfect as possible, though it is kind of impossible to pass a perfect one. I just hope I can pass the whole thing in time, before september 2 because that's judgement day and that's not even the day where we need to have had finish everything, it's within the month. It is so brutal yet I can see that I come out good out of this.

All I'm saying is that the finals week for this term will be both exciting and scary, panelists will eat me alive, I'm sure and it will definitely affect my whole life after I'm done with this, if I get to finish this. So to all the fellow DGMED takers out there, this blog is for you and I understand your pain too because I'm about to bust in tears and cry out to the sun and ask it to give me sun powers!

Monday, August 3, 2015


Schools have these celebrations that they  to experience it this year, in fact, I didn't even FEEL LIKE THERE WAS ONE. I can understand if it's because of the budget cuts, THE DAMN AIRCON ON THE 7th FLOOR NOT WORKING or It's because I'm too busy to care. I didn't feel like there was an IT week. hold every year. These, somewhat, give the students time to relax and find their interests in. Booths are usually present in these events, the stalls represent on what the celebration is about. The thing that I'm talkis and the newly made psychology combined. so welcome to APC and their course celebrations, I guess.
ng about is SOCSIT week.

The week is all about the IT course and the celebration is for the students it consists of. Though I couldn't relate to it because it's about the IT people and if it's going to obvious; I'M NOT AN IT STUDENT. It's all good though, it makes the whole thing easy to understand as it talks about what the IT representatives can give to the freshmen of APC. This prelude to other course celebrations is a good idea to start with because, for one, IT students dominate the school, by that I mean the school has more IT students the the engineering, multimedia, businesI spent the whole week working on my DGMED so I didn't get
Though I did feel like there's something going on and it was the LOL tournament that the newly made ORG at our school called "Genesys Gaming" about, of course, gaming. The tournament didn't even end well or didn't start at the proposed time even because there were so many people who promised to bring their mobile internet and guess what! at the event where it's supposed to go on, those same people didn't even show up! it's sad and somewhat felt regret that I joined the ORG but I must keep trucking on and wait for the time where actual things will happen in this ORG.

That's the only event that I was supposed to feel like should happen, didn't happen at school! They continued it at TITAN, a computer rental shop located somewhere at evangelista, WHICH IS NOT LOCATED AT SCHOOL. It was sad and I was notified that this happens every year, so they were kind of expected this to happen.

all and all I didn't like IT week because of all of the things I said above but it's fine because the only week I will only care about is ABMA week. I hope they next year's IT week gives out more presence because they didn't have any this year. the only presence I felt was League of Legends' and that isn't saying much.