Saturday, August 22, 2015

8. Konami messes up

When people think of Konami they thing of glory. The glory days of video games, the golden ages. Games that konami held on were very known, these games are: Bomberman, metal gear, contra and many more. The games that Konami made gave us a lot of happy times in our childhood, we'd go to the arcade and play them there or have our famicom to play with. These games are fun and that is what Konami tried to accomplish years after. Nowadays, it's safe to say that Konami, the company that brought us the amazing games hates us!

Konami's recent controversy shed light on how they actually operate as a business establishment. Reading articles about it made me feel disgusted on how Konami treats their workers. They basically treat the news ones like used towel. When a worker request for equipment, they get it, eventually. The request s that the workers use is automated so it get's qeue'd and it usually takes a month and as development of video games go, you will have to give progress at the end of the month. it's a system that doesn't work and it takes advantage of it's workers. Seriously? you want your workers to work but your company doesn't want to give them the tools? are you messing with us Konami? you're full of it!

Another thing that Konami did is that they removed their employee's names on a box art of a video game. I can understand that the company that owns it can do whatever they wish but to blatantly try to remove the existence of the people who worked on the game? that's something else. Do note that Konami's former employee, Kojima, has worked on tons of games for Konami and has sold a lot of money from their games, that should hae made konami honor Kojima right? no they did not honor kojima, in fact they spit on his name and his team in the latest MGS game. It's so sad.

Oh man Konami,  I don't know how they're rise from this one but it looks like they're holed up deep in a pile of  crap. I do hope they get back to their feet someday, they hold two very important IPs that people have been wanting to play on.

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