Sunday, August 23, 2015

14. APC's anti smoking campaign

An environment that doesn't have the filth of smog is a good environment, sadly I can't think of any place that has no smog on here. non-smoking environments is obviously good for everyone, and obviously good for people who smoke and in my opinion it should be prohibited within ever establishment. APC is holding an anti-smoking campaign andI'm going to be honest here now, I have no idea, even just a tinsy bit of idea that our school was holding an anti-smoking campaign. APC's campaign isn't effective because students refuse to be aware of it.

Students need an outlet. Students are usually stressed out, well most of them. They are stressed with everything in their lives, their friendships, grades, love life and the entire experience of being a student and that is usually the reason why people need an outlet. There are many ways people can deal with their stress, they can play video games, they can watch something from their phones or laptops, they can hang out with their buddies or just blow smoke off of cigarettes, everything on here is effective and smoking is one of those effective things that doesn't need to interact with people and just stay still, it's also really quick. Speaking of interaction with people.....

Smoking is also a "cool" thing. "No man's an island" whoever quoted that phrase said so it means people who smoke also can reach out to other people who smoke right? yes it's true, people who smoke can relate to other people who smoke, it's kind of like how nerds go to their coventions and meet other nerds to geek out, it's the same but a bit more timid and more "cool", well it sounds like I'm mocking them well not really, I'm mocking at the people who think it is so they smoking themselves and regretting it the moment they try it. ugh I have a weird  humor.

so yeah smoking won't be removed even if there are signs around the place that says "smoking is bad" or "smoking kills" it doesn't matter. Smoking helps people deal with stuff and I can see that, while not entirely effective it's still helps. I'm not saying people should approve of the idea of smoking, it is still bad and should be avoided it's just people need to understand why others smoke. 

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