Sunday, August 23, 2015

9. So much conventions to go to so little money.

2015 and 2016 will be the years where they will suck money out of my guts because of the amount of video games and media that companies keep making. I will not be able to earn money for the other things that I love because I prioritize video games in my life, it's so hard to keep up! MGSV is on the horizon, fallout 4 will follow suit after that persona 5! holy moly! it just keeps stacking and stacking! I hope my money keeps stacking too but it won't! while that's a different problem, I'm facing a another problem! CONVENTIONS! conventions are everywhere and I want to go to them!

as of today, the Rampage league of legends convention opens it's arms to the people of the Philippines. It's an event where people gather to learn things about the game league of legends, the game that people love! It's a fun game with fun lore, it's that reason why I keep playing it but yeah. Learning from the promotions is that you can get free champions and skins from the event it's going to make me cry! I want skins too! I want to learn more stuff about league! I want to socialize with fellow league players! I have to go here!

there's another convention for next month, it's called The Best of Anime (BOA). This one is the biggest anime appreciation convention in this country and I can't miss it! Imagine the people you meet and get to talk about the anime that you love, it's these conventions that make you learn how to communicate with people and it's easier because you're in an environment that encourages that. I do hope they have events that teams random people up to win something at a booth. People are still too shy  I guess.

Cosplaymania is also another big convention that will happen on October. This event is the biggest cosplay event in the philippines, why do I have to miss this? I can't! I have fun taking pics with cosplayers, I make a fool out of myself but that's okay! that's the point of these conventions!

so yeah that's my problem, these 3 events that I want to go to and sad thing is that these events are events that I promised my friends that I should go to, it's sad but it's okay as well, as long as I get to one of these, I think I settle with that.


  1. I feel you bruh! It's been a long time since I attended a convention.

  2. Going to conventions and taking pictures with your waifus... I missed doing those things but unfortunately, I need to focus on college first. :( #Sadlife
