Sunday, August 23, 2015

13. Sleep problems

I'm having sleep problems recently and no it's not the lack of sleep but it's the over sleep. It is usual that the person sleeps 5 hours everyday; that's enough for everyone to feel fresh. The freshness people feel is what makes them capable enough to do everything on a daily basis but not my case. I have so much sleep and I still don't feel energized enough for the day. I don't know how to fix this, maybe go to a doctor to have this checked but I don't have the time.

I tend to sleep early but I wake up at 5:00 am, it sounds just about right for an everyday person since I sleep at 9:00-10:00, these should have energized me to do more activities and feel good about doing them but no. It's sad because most of my classmates sleep at 2:00 and they can wake up at 6:00 feeling freshed, I don't know how people can do that but I guess bodies are different and mine is just really weak when it comes to lack of sleep.

It doesn't look like it at most times but I do try to sneak in some sleep during class. When the professor is distracted and will probably take 10 minutes to tend to something I immediately cross my arms on my armchair to rest my head on it. I also try to take a nap during breaks, sometimes after eating I go to sleep immediately, I know I shouldn't do that but my body says I have to.

It's not like I'm sleep deprived or anything it's just my body needs to adjust to the current situation and it feels like this everytime at class. Good thing I can find interest in most of my  professor's teachings because I have to, I need to look for it or I'd cut class to sleep.

Oh well I hope whoever's reading this can understand that people who sleep more than they do also have problems, I'm actually happy for those people because when sem break comes or a day where they don't have class, they can appreciate sleep but I can't and it's going to be a problem for me in the future.

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