Sunday, August 23, 2015

12. Being a weaboo is hard

What is a weaboo? A weaboo is in another word a Japanesophile, someone who likes Japanese stuff, from their laguage, to their pop culture and even ideals. There is a difference though  weaboos are actually much more severe than a Japanesophile in a way that they try to treat everything in their lives as part of anime, yeah they're more like an "Otaku" but much worse. Weaboo's tend to claim the characters they like as their "Husbando" or "Waifu" at a moment's notice, Weaboos are also athiest and believe that Japan is the best country. You can see why Japanesophiles are tolerable now. Now that I've identified what a weaboo is, I can now admit that I, myself am a weaboo.

Craving and wanting everything that japanese people have been my problem, it makes everything difficult for a person like me because I can't deal with such disappointment that I'm not getting the same things Japanese people have. They have the games that I want, they have the toys that I want they have everything that I want. I know it's sounds childish to want things but I can't stop myself, I guess I need more self control if I want to get over this.

If you show your weabooness you are easily shunned by most communities. I find it hard to hide the fact that I'm a weaboo, that's difficult because when people find out what you are they will automatically hate you. people around say "follow your hearts" or "love what you love" but in the end it's not real, it's misleading, liking something and loving something is still restricted, there is no freedom of choice, you're either a normal person who likes stuff or be an outcast weaboo that no one will love.

Maybe I should just face the reality that weaboos will never respected, their interests just doesn't match what people like, it's really sad, I hope someday that the love and appreciation from a normal person can be felt by me and fellow weaboos out there. So here's to me and all the weaboos! cheers!

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