Monday, August 10, 2015

6. Finals week will be sucky ugh

Have you ever felt like you need to take a dump but couldn't? in a situation where you couldn't poop it makes the whole thing dire, you have an aching stomach, butt clenched to prevent pooping in your pants and you sweat heavily. Being in that predicament makes it somewhat satisfying when you've already let your poop out in the toiler. It's a good feeling to poop early. That my friends is what you call finals week.

Finals week is around the corner, only three weeks left. This makes students uneasy, especiallly for someone like me who's currently taking up thesis or DGMED as what the school calls it. I actually have done very little and haven't even have it checked so this makes everything extremely dire for me. There are also students who just didn't bother and I feel sad for them, I hope they can take this next term so they'd be done with it and move on to their MAPROD.

My problem is that I couldn't have it checked because I just don't want to. I don't want the entire thing to feel half-baked so what I do is try to make it as perfect as possible, though it is kind of impossible to pass a perfect one. I just hope I can pass the whole thing in time, before september 2 because that's judgement day and that's not even the day where we need to have had finish everything, it's within the month. It is so brutal yet I can see that I come out good out of this.

All I'm saying is that the finals week for this term will be both exciting and scary, panelists will eat me alive, I'm sure and it will definitely affect my whole life after I'm done with this, if I get to finish this. So to all the fellow DGMED takers out there, this blog is for you and I understand your pain too because I'm about to bust in tears and cry out to the sun and ask it to give me sun powers!

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