Sunday, August 23, 2015

10. Terrible weather

Oh man we are living in the extremes! it's either wet or it's dry, I can't get what this weather wants to do! Is the weather messing with us? does it want us to keep enclosed to feel a sense of security when in reality the strong winds and rain can just come crashing down our houses to kill us in many ways? That may be too unlikely, or is it?

This weather is so difficult to deal with, it keeps everything wet and not only that it also keeps everything susceptible to electrical shock! I've seen so much cut electric wires this week and it's making me worry every time I have to walk out of my home! It is scary indeed but I do believe that I have to keep trucking on or else, nothing happens.

I think the weather is telling is something, well more like mother nature is telling us something. Weather patterns are so weird, it's two typhoons trying to steal eachother's winds! not only that the typhoon that's above us doesn't want to leave it's so scary! I always imagined this to be like that scene from independence that has will smith star in it, that scene where the aliens come down to our planet and kill the living hell out of the white house, I felt the need to shrug after typing that, it's so scary.

but as human beings, I don't think we need to be afraid, I'm sure ondoy is worst. I've actually haven't experienced ondoy, I was one of those lucky people who moved up to Bagiuo and immediately went down when ondoy went up to Bagiuo, now that's what we call a clutch. I'm experiencing something like this in a city that has never experienced something like this before and that thought scares me. I shouldn't be scared because it's not as terrible as ondoy and if it's as terrible as ondoy, we'd still be fine. My place is pretty high and isn't susceptible to floods, well not yet. I hope everyone reading this is okay because I'm seriously worried about the places that get flood easily.

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