Thursday, August 13, 2015

7. ugh people hate on tinder

Tinder is a cellphone app that people use to find potential mates that logged into it. The amount of guys and girls you can find here is astonishing, everyone just wants to find love. Various people have logged into the online dating app, it makes this app one of the most used app ever since instagram. Tinder however is not something to use as a means for finding the right person, most of the time the people who get in there are shallow and just base their potential mates from their looks. People shouldn't mind what others think though, if Tinder for others is how to go, people should just respect that.

I think a reason for this is that people who hate on the users of Tinder tend to not take the app seriously. The app will most likely contain high amounts of people who lie about their biography, their achievements, accomplishments and even wealth. The lies doesn't need to filter out because it's in the people's discretion if they want to "hook up" with the liar or not. People who don't use the app probably hates that, they may have trust issues so I can understand them if this was the case.

There's a thing where people try to find a person they "click" with a real environment, it's called speed dating. The speed dating events are usually held in a large area where people can freely move around, though there are restrictions. The restrictions back then depends on the organizer of the whole the speed dating event; it's usually 5 minutes per person before they can rotate to another. I find this not that different from Tinder actually because I can still lie at it but there's the presence of pressure since I am in the event physically and somehow needs to be mentally ready. I'm sure people have been hating that too, trust issues are really serious.

What's the point of this blog? well I just want to tell the people who hate on this app Tinder to stop hating it. I understand that everyone who hate Tinder has trust issues and that will be difficult to remove from their noggins but cmon you can't just tell people to stop using the app. I myself don't like the app since it's a waste of time and not into dating at all but I make sure to not sound condescending because people need to understand that the people who use Tinder want to use this. So please don't go out of your way to stop them just because you have a belief that prevents you from using the app yourself, it's a waste of time.

1 comment:

  1. couldnt relate with this because i dont use tinder lol
